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As the bail application of five suspects who are accused of the murders of Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes and Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane resumes in the Durban Magistrate’s Court today, Bright Circle, the company owned by the Gcaba family, issued a statement over the weekend stating that they will cooperate with the justice system.
Last week, the matter took an unexpected twist when the court heard that the money allegedly paid to the accused for the killings was from a taxi boss in the province, Mfundo Gcaba.
Forbes and Motsoane were gunned down outside a restaurant in Durban last year.
In a sworn statement read out in court last week, investigating officer Detective Bob Pillay indicated that R800 000 was transferred from Bright Circle to Mziwethemba Gwabeni.
The statement also said the financial transaction between Gcaba and Gwabeni was purely for business purposes.
Gwabeni is believed to be the coordinator of the hit on Forbes and Motsoane.
Pillay said the payment was made shortly after Gwabeni called Gcaba the day after the murders.
Last week, the court also heard that several of the accused are linked to taxi violence in other pending cases.
The State will continue to lead its evidence this morning.